Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dana Point Tide Pools Field Trip

On Friday (6/13) Kate went with her class to the tide pools and the Ocean Center at Dana Point. It was her first field trip of the year so she was REALLY looking forward to it. I always wonder why they wait to do all of the fun stuff until the end of the year? It seems like the last two weeks of school are crammed with parties, field trips, picnics, plays, etc.....anyway, you get the idea.
Back to the field trip, I was able to join her at the tide pools and for lunch. The tide was pretty high, so we weren't able to see a lot. We saw some crabs, sea aneonomes, and sea snails, nothing too exciting. It was a warm day, and it was just fun to be there. Anything to escape the school walls! She really liked the Ocean Center, I didn't get to go in with her, but she said that touching the sea stars (formerly known as starfish, but her teacher was quick to correct me in an earlier conversation that they are Not fish.....whatever!) was her favorite part!
Can you find Kate? hint.....she is very close to the middle, behind a very large 1st grader :)
Sharing treasures with a friend.
Digging in the sand, we both love it!

1 comment:

maines said...

If you still lived in the desert, you could've gone on a field trip to the windmills in the middle of a vast sea of sand in 115 degree weather. Now aren't you the sorry one?!