Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It's Always Fun at Grandma's House!

Buzzy was thrilled when we got to my parent's house. More birthday presents! I have a feeling that he thinks this birthday thing is going to last all year!
A new light saber from Grandma and Grandpa, and it turns green and red (depending upon your mood you can either choose the "light" or "dark" side. I have a feeling the red bulb will burn out long before the green if you know what I mean). Grandpa was a good sport and let Buzz attack him.
After all the light saber play, and playing with the Wii Fit (which we don't have so the kids were thrilled!) they were all tuckered out. At least we thought they should be, so we sent them to bed..............which turned out to be the biggest party of all.
6 kids in a small den with two big aero beds is a recipe for fun! Thanks to my parents for loving it also!

1 comment:

nurse on call said...

Sounds like you had a great summer My girls are grown now but your blog reminded me of my three little hens. Try to enjoy because time sure gets away